We Are Firm Believers in
Flight Safety

This belief comes from two decades of valuable experience. Experience of providing interactive training of CRM and Human Factors to the global aviation community.

We Are Firm Believers in
Flight Safety

From Pilot to Trainer

Aspiring to become the preferred provider of aviation training solutions requires patience, determination, and good ideas. This mindset is what shapes AEROTEAM Training Solutions.

Since his childhood, Søren Seindal Agner has admired the gigantic steel birds hovering in the sky, imagining himself in the cockpit. With stripes on his shoulders, hundreds of buttons within reach, and the greatest office view in the world.

"I have always been fascinated with airplanes.
How they glide so effortlessly in the sky,
and how breathtaking the view must be from above.

For me, becoming a pilot was the ultimate career path."

- Søren Seindal Agner, Managing Director

He was determined to become a pilot. So he would one day go to work in the office with the most astonishing view. To save money for his education, he worked as a cabin crew member alongside his studies. First in Conair, then in Premiair. In 1995, he acquired his pilot license and secured a job at Danish Air Transport before advancing to Scandinavian Airlines in 1999.


The view from the sky only lasted a few years. One morning while getting out of bed, Søren learned the paralysing pain of a herniated disc. Surgeries and sensory disturbance in his legs followed. The dream was destroyed.

"The moment I heard that early retirement was
basically my only option, I had to do something.

As a 38-year-old man at the time,
early retirement would be a massive defeat."

- Søren Seindal Agner, Managing Director

Instead of accepting his situation, Søren began to explore his own capabilities. Having operated as both cabin crew and pilot for many years, he had gained a vast insight into the dynamics that can play out in a plane. Especially the importance of good teamwork and communication. He also thought about the regular courses he had sat through to be compliant with regulations. But he always felt that it was challenging to continuously increase the knowledge of the participants in a motivating way.


His experience became the springboard for the conception of AEROTEAM which was founded in 2004.

For Søren, aviation training has never just been 'a tick in the box'. This belief constitutes the foundation of the company. His personal ambition has always been to raise the bar and bring value into the training. He was keen on developing a business with the purpose of involving course participants by asking questions, raising dilemmas, giving tasks, and facilitating fruitful discussions - as this approach to learning inspires a good outcome and valuable feedback.

"And now I am here.
More than 15 years have passed of me
developing and facilitating training
Crew Resource Management, Human Factors, and Flight Safety,

all in compliance with EASA, FAA, and ICAO regulations."

- Søren Seindal Agner, Managing Director

New Name. Same Mission

After more than a decade of providing training individually, AEROTEAM and Scandinavian Avionics decided to join forces. In 2019, they announced their new joint venture named AEROTEAM Training Solutions, thereby becoming an integrated part of the SA Group.

Flight Safety is still the overarching objective. Both companies have a thorough background in aviation, utilising theories and techniques known for successful testing, training, and crew selection.

In every aspect of aviation, efficient teamwork, clear communication, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving skills are crucial. If not, human errors can turn fatal.

Therefore, AEROTEAM Training Solutions lays heavy emphasis on training and enhancement of non-technical skills to provide employees with better knowledge, skills, and attitudes to resolve complicated or potentially dangerous situations in a safe and efficient manner.

Did you know that...

Søren Seindal Agner, our Managing Director, has been a member of the Board of Representatives for the Danish Flight Safety Council since 2010, specialising in the field of human factors?

(We think that is a rather strong testament to our expertise)

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